Alcohol, drugs, age of consent
It is important that you abide by UK law and set a good example for the students in your care. Students should be aware that UK law may be different to the law in their own country.
Any homestay providers found under the influence of illegal drugs or excessive alcohol will have their agreement with our school immediately terminated. Students will be immediately moved to new hosts without payment for their stay.
Please be aware of the points below:
Cigarettes and Vapes
In the UK it is illegal to buy cigarettes or vapes if you are under 18 and it is illegal to sell cigarettes/vapes to someone who is under 18.
In the UK it is illegal for someone under 18 to buy alcohol and it is illegal to sell alcohol to someone who is under 18.
Hosts must not offer alcoholic drinks to under-18s, even if they are allowed to taste or drink alcohol in their home country.
Illegal Drugs
If asked, let students know that in the UK it is illegal to possess, take or deal drugs. The law on drugs (including cannabis) is very tough, they may be arrested or imprisoned.
Languages United does not permit the purchase or consumption of illegal drugs - if a student is caught possessing, taking or dealing drugs we will cancel their course and accommodation.
If a host is found possessing, taking or dealing drugs they will be reported to the police.
Age of Consent
Students are made aware of the UK law regarding age of consent. If asked by a student, this states:
Both people must give their consent before any physical closeness or sexual activity.
It is illegal for anyone over the age of 18 to have any sexual activity with someone under 16. This applies to both men and women, whether they are of the same or the opposite sex.