Internet, Screentime
When it comes to student welfare and safeguarding, internet safety is of paramount importance.
Access to the internet is vital for our students. They may be set online homework or project research tasks, their programme links are available on a live link, etc. With the help of the internet and social media they keep in touch with family and friends back at home as well as with new friends they make during their course.
Our students are advised on online safety.
If you provide students with a laptop or computer ensure it is in a communal area such as kitchen, dining table, where you can monitor their time spent online. Be vigilant of the sites they access. Make sure it is age appropriate and that they do not engage with strangers online. If students use their own devices encourage them to talk about the sites they access and online safety in general. If you are suspicious or worried about your student's online safety please inform us immediately. This may be a change in behaviour, obsession with devices, secretive about their phone, or excessive use of mobile devices.
Please encourage students to use their devices sensibly. No phones at the table or when together as a family engaged in an activity such as playing board games, visiting sights, chatting, etc.
It is important that students get enough sleep. Mobile devices should be switched off at night, if at all possible limit wi-fi access after 22:00.
Social Media
We ask that you do not befriend or accept requests to befriend under 18s on social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc. This is to protect you as well as the student under18.