Unsupervised Time
Over 18s
- can be left alone during the day
- can be left alone overnight, providing this has been discussed and agreed with student, host and school and this happens when student already spent at least a week in Bath and is familiar with the house, how appliances work, neighbourhood and the city itself
Under 18s - unsupervised time at home
Caution must be exercised when leaving under 18s unsupervised. Age is a guideline, but please assess student's maturity, level of English and general behavior as well as potential risks while home alone.
Leaving a student unsupervised should be a last resort and must not happen regularly.
If you must leave the house and there isn't an adult present at home, please take students with you . Taking your students with you to your children's afternoon activity or shopping, meeting a friend, appointments, etc could provide an opportunity to get to know them better, for them to practise their English or learn different aspects of life in the UK. Always encourage your students to accompany you so they are not left home alone.
As a general rule, under 14s should not be left alone at all. 14-16 year old can be left home alone for a short period of time, that is a maximum of two hours. 16 and 17 year old can be left alone 3 or 4 hours, but only as an absolute emergency and not regularly.
Under 14s must not be given keys. Over 14s can be given keys, but please remember we cannot be held responsible for lost keys or if students don't close and secure the doors properly. If you give a set of keys to students please explain the importance of locking doors and show them how to do this.
You must notify us if you have to leave students unsupervised. We will ask group leaders to check on them or we will arrange for them to spend time at a friend's house while you are away. This applies when a student is ill and you can't stay at home with them.
Under 18s - unsupervised time in the city
Under 18s will sometimes be allowed to spend time in Bath unsupervised. We will always confirm the rules for unsupervised time and curfew with you. The free time and supervision will depend on the age of the students and the location, generally:
- Students aged 16+ may have unsupervised free time and are free to do this individually or in a group.
- Students aged 12+ may have unsupervised time in groups.
- Students aged 12+ who are not in a group must be supervised by an adult during free time.
- Students under the age of twelve must be supervised by an adult during free time.
There should be a maximum of 2.5 hours unsupervised time before meeting at an agreed place. Student should:
- wear their ID lanyards
- have fully charged mobile phones with them
- agree a return time with hosts
- go in town in groups of 2s and 3s.
- inform hosts of their plans (where are they going, what will they do)
If you have any concerns about your student's plans for unsupervised time (going to an unsafe area, not going with friends, not contactable) please let us know (call emergency number on weekends or evenings) and we will be able to advise you further.