Safeguarding Training

We recommend that all adults in the household complete the online Basic Safeguarding Training course. We require that at least one adult in the household has completed this.

We recommend taking the course using a desktop computer - some hosts have experienced problems downloading the certificate using a mobile.

To complete the training, please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the British Council Safeguarding registration page.

  2. Complete the registration to set up an account. For "Choose the one relevant to the role in which you work/will work with children" you should select "Homestay host".

  3. You will be redirected to the login page, log in with the details you entered on the registration form.

  4. Click on the tab My Coursework in the top navigation bar

  5. Click on start and complete all sections of the course.

  6. Email a copy of the electronic certificate to